Archive Mode. Call BAA Biennial RE:FRESH 2022 ended on 4/24/22, 11:58 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Andromeda Rising

Andromeda Rising, Painting
Andromeda Rising
A mannequin is thrown down amidst an array of objects. A work gloves reaches from the front left. The stage is set with a ribbon and dried sunflower and two blue paint spotted upside down bowls. Behind this and to the left are two Hubble telescope images. The mirrored ground plane joins all in a reflective orchestration. This painting questions the birth of a new consciousness of perception.

Painting    34 x 42 x 2    $15,000.00    5   

Artist Statement:
I am a contemporary realist painter whose Reflection series focuses on "the new still life". I am influenced by the elegance of quantum physics, and I wish to explore ways of creating environments that help myself and the viewer see the unexpected and hopefully beautiful fusion or synthesis of disparate objects.
I ask such questions as,: What is consciousness if all objects are really energy? How does this focus affect visual perception?
My still life's juxtapose everyday objects intuitively including both geometric and biomorphic forms, with out considerations of common usage. Hopefully the viewer appreciated the pure forms as such in each unique composition. My set ups are about energy not narrative.
I reconsider space through the usage of mirrors and reflective surfaces. Hanging mirrors and other floating objects defy gravity. My recent addition of Hubble telescope images helps reframe my still life set ups in a more universal space.